Visiting an Old Mezzanine Supported Modular Office

mezzainine supported modular office from 1997

After almost 20 years of service this modular office is holding up great

Occasionally, I’m asked about how well our modular offices hold up over the years if they are designed so that they can be reconfigured in the future as your needs change.  Surely, after general wear and tear they will want to just order a new building anyway, no?   Well, I recently had the opportunity to visit an old customer of ours.  Over the years, we’ve provided them with a number of mezzanines, catwalks, and modular offices.  Several of the modular offices have been disassembled, modified, and reinstalled in different locations.  While there, I got an opportunity to look at this old tank platform mezzanine and A-wall 300 modular office we provided them with back in 1997.  The steel decking has started to bend up a little at the seam in a couple areas, but after almost twenty years of service the mezzanine and modular office were in excellent condition.  If the customer wanted to, it would still be a simple task to disassemble the modular office and put it up again in a new location, possibly with a few modifications.  The components are all still compatible with what we provide today.  The only design change is that the I-splines used to connect the panels in the A-wall 300 modular building system are now typically painted to match the panels as opposed to the same color as the framing on the windows and doors.  So yes, these modular buildings are built to last.


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